ELSA Spain 2016
Especial agradecimiento a Refugees Are Humans y a CEAR por su colaboración en este proyecto
La celebración de ELSA Spain
Desde ELSA Spain celebramos el ELSA day de este año 2016 de una manera muy especial.
Con todos vosotros, ¡el Libro del ELSA Day 2016, «Migrants are Humans»! En él recogemos testimonios de refugiados que huyeron de la guerra, los conflictos por género y por cuestiones afectivas.
ELSA Spain celebration
ELSA Spain is celebrating the ELSA Day too. On this occasion, we prepared the publication «Migrants are Humans» with the aim of contributing to the understanding of one of our «mainstream» problems; i.e. the migration. That’s not about Migration Law strictu sensu, but about the migrants, the persons. Because before any solution or speech about the problem we must realise that they are persons too, with emotions, lives and human rights, like us. «We call them refugees, but they are humans. And every human has a story»; that’s the idea behind the project.
Migrants are Humans
Libro en castellano
«Migrants are Humans» versión en castellano
The Book in English
«Migrants are Humans» english version